
Robert L Clore Post 189


These Photos were taken at the July 2016 Kiss Concert in Independence Mo. The American Legion Honor Guard for the Concert was comprised of Rick Kendrick Commander of Post 499, Mike Timm Adjutant Post 189, Monica Whitman Commander Post 1107, and Missouri 5th District, Bill Dunn 3rd Vice Commander Post 189, and John Williams Commander Post 189.



The following photos were taken at a birthday part held at the post for Loren Groom.



Post 189 ran a booth at the 2016 Independence, Mo Santa Cali Gon Days Festival.



These shots are from a joint formation in celebration of 2016 9/11 Remembrance. In attendance were Lee's Summits VFW Post 5789, American Legion Post 189 and members of Lee's Summit first responders with Lee's Summit Fire Department.  The ceremony took place at Lee's Summits All Veterans Memorial in Downtown Lee's Summit, Mo.


Veterans Day at Eagle Glen

On Friday, November 11th students, staff, family, and friends met in the gym for a school-wide assembly for Veterans Day. We were honored to have a number of veterans and family members in attendance along with American Legion Post 189 from Lee's Summit and RP Select.



Post 189 set up a booth on kids street for the Lee's Summit Down Town Days 2016.

Of course everyone was a winner! 



The American Legion was in the snow with a festive crowd at the Lee's Summit 2017 Emerald Isle parade.

All braved the cold wind, and snow to celebrate St. Patricks Day.


John Gately recieves the Honorary-Life Member from Post 189.  The second two photos are of the Lee's Summit High School ROTC Drill Team.  They attended a Post meeting and gave us a great demonstration of their skills. 




Memorial Day 2017 Lee's Summits American Legion Post and VFW Post held a joint celebration at Lee's Summits Historical Cemetery.  The Post also did held a ceremony at the grave of our Posts name sake Robert L Clore.  Our Post later fired a salute a the Vietnam War Memorial in Kansas City. The photo on the far right was taken on Flag Day June 14th. The Post was invited to provide a rifle salute at the Korean War Memorial in Kansas City Mo.  



We continue to have a growing crowd at our monthly Pot Luck Dinners.  Last months was the largest to date.  This might have been because of the entertainment provided by a group of Vets with guitars.